Friday, April 24, 2009

The puzzle

People change all the time, I get that. But it's always weird when you don't notice yourself growing apart from someone and then one day it's like, I havent talked to that person in forever! And in fact, you realise that you maybe wanted to grow apart from them. And that maybe you don't remember why you were friends in the first place. But still, theres a part of you that misses them. Friendships are confusing. It's like a puzzle where the pieces change and you have to add new pieces but sometimes you burn old ones. Maybe that only makes sense to me? but at least it makes sense to at least one person then :)
well i suppose my whole blog today is my thought for the day, so there you go

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Why do I get so worked up over such little things?! It's like stuff i should be worried abowt, im not and stuff i shudnt bother with, i obsess over! i think a lot of people are like that but, but why why why?! Im guna try be more laidback about stuff. just everything in general cos i think it can ruin ur day when u get all upset over something that was nothing anyway.
so, does anyone want me to live at their house in the holidays?! lol im staying with my grandparents, but they annoy the heck out of me. they r nice and everything, but too nice and im just like leave me alone!!!!!! so yeah im kinda depressed that im spending the next 6 weeks with my grandparents while my mum and brother will be in england, europe, scotland and belgium. whoopdedoo for me.
sorry, that was my little rant there. but im finished now. the bright side is that im goin on the french trip in sepetember :) yes i really must focus on being more positive *adds to the mental to-do list*
hmm i shall have a random thought for the day on every blog now. todays thought: i really believe my little brother is the cutest kid on the planet. you wanna argue? - theres no point cos ur WRONG :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

creepy photography

today. was wednesday. I love wednesdays - it's almost like a weekend, but on a wednesday. don't ask what makes it like a weekend - i don't know. It just feels like one.
photography was very exciting today (in both good and bad ways). I found out that the assignment I thought i had a week left to finish is due tomorrow.... that freaked me out! but I developed 3 photos today so im done anyway! and one of them was soooooo freaky! ok i should explain.... There was this pic i photoshopped so that it had three of the same person in it, walking towards the camera. Simple enough, yes? so then i developed it in the darkroom and randomly decided to make it blurry.... and guess what?! i looked at it after i developed it and the people looked all like ghosts coming towards the camera annnd the grass in front kinda formed the sign of the cross (from the blurring) how creepy is that!!!
i heard this song today and the at one point the lyrics say ♫you're perfecting failure!♫ but isnt that an idiom? like can you really perfect failure? like, be good at failure? cos if ur good at it, ur not failing!!! thats my random thought for today :)