Thursday, April 29, 2010

Theme Thursday - Bicycle

as soon as i read the topic, one thing immediately came to mind....

I'll leave you with the wonderous sounds of Queen, happy theme thursday everyone :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Theme Thursday - Draft

I'll set the scene for you;
The room was black as night (perhaps because it was night) and there lay a teenage girl drifting off to the haunting place most often referred to as sleep. But a shadow passed across her face as she remembered that today was thursday and that meant she had forgotten to do her Theme Thursday post! So she then lay there pondering the topic of 'draft' and what she could formulate to write upon for such a topic. She was about to give up as sleep became more and more prominent on her mind (indeed, much more so than 'draft'), but then the two ideas merged upon her realisation that she had once, many moons ago, written a draft letter to someone, and that letter now resided under her bed, unfinished and unwanted.
I am unwilling to post that letter here, but I will speak of it to you, or I feel I shall leave you with far too many unanswered questions!
It was a sparkling spring day, in the year just past, whereupon she found herself in her room, thinking about her beau. She decided to embark upon the act of penning him a letter to tell him how she felt. They had only been courting for two weeks and yet already she knew that one day she would love him. She was not good with words in person but she worked magic with a pen and so she set about her task... Three stops and starts later (and rather a few pieces of paper strewn about the room by this point), she had an initial draft.
But beware, this tale does not have a happy ending, most likely caused by the fact that it was real life, and real life is far from a fairy tale.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

change isn't always for the better.

lately i feel like everyone is getting the wrong impression of me. honestly, i wouldn't ever purposely try to hurt someone or make someone angry. That's just not me, thats not what i do or how i act. and anyone who thinks so obviously doesn't know me very well. and lately i just feel like therefore there is no one that knows me very well.
Also i'm not the type of person to hold onto anger, i'm actually quite good at letting go of stuff. but this time i feel like it's backfired on me because the other person is obviously still angry at me (although i do know they are trying to get over it) when actually i have way more reason to be angry than them in the first place!!! so now i feel like because i have forgiven them and gotten over it, they get away scot free whilst i suffer with being hated and talked about behind my back. so why am i the one to suffer? because my nature just gives up anger pretty quick. thats not exactly fair!
it just makes me really sad, thats all. I try to do the right thing and move on from stuff and i end up getting even more hurt because of that.
but i don't know what to do about it.
there's nothing really
because i'm not the type to get revenge either. and i actually am over it so i wouldn't want to anyway.
Thought For The Day:
well usually i'm of the opinion that you need to let go of grudges and forgive people but now i see how that can backfire on you when you're only trying to be fair and do the right thing. so maybe hold onto grudges? but that doesn't sound right either.... well who am i to give advice right now anyway?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Theme Thursday - Lunch

I think that some people in their lives just coast along and go wherever life takes them. In my opinion, this is blind laziness and i dislike people who do this. You need to take action to get where you want to go - if you aim for nothing, you achieve nothing.
Become who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Make things happen, don't just sit back and let things happen to you.
Don't be out to lunch in your own life.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

theme thursday - box

there are those who think outside the box. and those who are boxed in for most of their lives. but maybe i am not defined by the box, maybe i am the box. no thats shit but really what i want to say is that i dont really like to be defined by things, as what people are defined by are other people's standards. and i dont need other people's standards, or their judgements. so i hate when people talk about thinking outside the box, as they are measuring themselves by other people, and other people's standards and expectations. whats the point in that?
so throw out that box.
do it.
you know you want to.

Friday, April 2, 2010

i have figured out my problem. i care about people too much. people who dont deserve it. people who dont care. okay so step 1 - figure out the problem, accomplished! step two - fix it... well i dont know how. i cant just not care about people, thats not me. and id have a pretty sad life if i did. so maybe step two should involve trying to only care about people who will appreciate it. unfortuantely though, it seems i dont get a choice who to care about...
man. i think this song was written for the sole purpose of depressing me ♫ I don't want to walk this earth if i gotta do it solo... cos we used to be a team... ♫
but its okay. im pretty excited about this week, just working and hanging out with people and this weekend, me and siobhan have some epic plans ;) so that will be cool. this is what i always do when im sad - i keep myself far too busy to even have time to think. and it works. until i stop. so i keep busybusybusy :D:D
Thought For The Day
always focus on the things that make you happy when theres something you dont want to focus on. personally, my friends, my family, and God make me happy. also millions of random moments - maybe a smile, maybe liam giving me an easter egg yesterday, maybe people at work being excited to see me today. its the little things that really count in the end. the things you'll always remember.

Yellow - Theme Thursday

sorry this is late peoples! :)
as i was pondering the theme of yellow, considering what to write, i was hit with a thought - stars! stars are stereo-typically yellow! and it got me thinking about how in year 11 science, when we got to choose topics, i did astronomy. I loved it soo much! there were 3 girls in our class and like 20 guys, which was a bit crazy. but that wasnt why i loved it honest, i loved that our homework was to stargaze, find jupiter, draw a map of the stars. For me, the most real moment is when im sitting watching the stars. its just the most awesome feeling and i can lie there for hours just staring at the stars. I just look in awe at God's amazing creation and thank Him that i am alive and here to see it. Its just a totally amazing time. in fact, i may go stargaze right now! so il leave you, my fellow bloggers to write your own yellow thoughts whilst i go watch mine in the sky :)