Monday, August 10, 2009


How do you tell someone to fuck off, politely? yes, im talking about a guy. The problem is that I think he thinks i like him, even though i had an awkward conversation with him where i was quite blunt that I DONT like him. i still want us to be friends, or else i would just tell him to fuck off. also, i dont want to have that awkward convo AGAIN so any ideas on how to subtly let him know im not interested?
for example: i was texting him today on my break when i was at work. he works there too. anyway, i said i was in charge of training the new girl and he said (this is a direct quote) "say hi to her for me. oh and you've got nothing to be worried about, i know her from school."
WHAAT? as if i care if he wants to say hi to some girl. wud i care if he talked to her? no. would i care if he went out with her? no. he seems to think maybe i should have a problem with that..
so thats my little rant lol
cbf with a thought for the day. im not in a thoughtful mood at all

1 comment:

  1. he could just have an inflated ego, but eh.

    Tell him to fuck off if he continues being like that!

