Thursday, December 17, 2009


certain people are annoying me so much at the moment! i hate all those things you really wanna say to people but you just cant. so il write a list. probly none of these are to any of you who read this but i just need to get it out. some of you will probly know who they are (all different ppl btw)

'either be my friend or get the fuck out of my life.'

'I really really wish we still talked. i wish we were still friends cos you were always such a good friend to me :) '

'i wish you were a less annoying person cos ur a real good person to talk to but sometimes you just get on my nerves and thats y i dont reply to ur texts - i just cant b botherd seeing you cos of the annoyingness'

I think that person 1) i have to give up on - get out of their life and they will get out of mine, cos right now i dont think they want to be friends with me but they say they do :s

Person 2) yeah we havent talked in the longest time but i miss back when we were gud m8s and could chat about whatever. it seems too late to start again though

Person 3) i really wish they werent so annoying cos they r really cool and i like talking to them

well thankyou fellow bloggers for letting me get that off my chest :) i shall send it off into cyberspace and feel all the more happier for getting it out (i hope).
and now.. less whingeing from me! life is actually reasonably good at the moment, been hanging out with friends lots and working not much, both of which i have been really enjoying :) my friends r awesome and i love you guys xx

Thought For The Day
Be someones friend, or don't be. Don't be that inbetween person who says that they want to be your friend and then don't even try. If you don't want to be, say so. If you do want to be, make an effort. Either is far better than being inbetween and not letting the other person know where they stand. cos it SUCKS for that person.