Some people don't like to talk about their background - family, heritage, whatever. But really, history is what makes us who we are. We learn from who we have been, who we have been with, where we have been. Each new experience we learn from and in the future we will eventually consider as part of our history. So to me, my history is very important. For example, last year I went out with a guy and it just didn't work out cos i wasn't really that interested in him. And thus I have learnt that i want to wait and be sure before going out with someone. If I had not had that experience, I wouldn't have learnt that lesson and it may have affected how my future turns out, if i'd dated the wrong guy in a couple of years time, just rushing into it again and ended up where i didn't want to. So our history, if we choose to acknowledge it and learn from it can affect our future and have positive impacts in our lives. To those who don't like to 'dwell on the past' - you are missing out on important life lessons and learning more about yourself, knowing who you really are as a person. Sometimes there are experiences you'd rather forget, but look carefully and there's always something positive that came out of it, or at least something you can learn from it. My history makes me the person I am today and I am looking foward to making new history for myself right now. Will you let your history make you the person you are?
I think its a good first Theme Thursday post! :)